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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Presentation Procedure (September 10th/11th)

First: Upon entering the classroom please pick a place to put your INFORMATIONAL MODEL.

Second: Sit with your groups and when instructed turn in your COPY OF PART TWO AND THREE to the designated area.
  • You will be given 5-10 minutes to organize yourself for the class presentation. Use this time to give each group member roles and responsibilities during the oral presentation.
  • It is also important that each person in the class use this time to formulate questions they may want to ask during other group presentations.
  • Each group will present their model to the class. During this presentaion it is important that you INTRODUCE YOURSELF and IDENTIFY THE TOPIC. In addition, explain all aspects of symbolism and information on your model.
  • Following your informational presentation the class will ask you questions about your topic and model. Your answer should be well constructed, informative, and factually accurate.
  • Each group will present their PERSONAL ACCOUNT to the class. This will be done via the LCD projector connected to the main computer. Each group should re-introduce the topic and/or region they are covering.
  • For this presentation it is important that you are PASSIONATE and POWERFUL. The goal is to reveal a PERSONAL TOUCH. Try your best to bring your TOPIC AND CHARACTER TO LIFE!
  • At the conclusion of each presentation the class will be given time to express comments or opinions about what they heard and saw during the presentations.
  • Each group will present their ADVOCACY GROUP. You will pass out copies of your brochure, flier, pamphlet etc. While this going on it is the responsibility of your group to introduce the PURPOSE and GOALS of your group.
    • What is its origins?
    • Why is this group necessary and where are you located?
    • What is your action plan?
    • Who or what is your group based upon?
  • It is important that you REINFORCE YOUR TOPIC and RAISE AWARENESS!
  • At the conclusion of your presentation I will ask questions about the advocacy group. Answers should be precise and concise.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Check This Out!



Anatomy of a Deal